- CashEssentials
- The next generation banknote project
- Money Laundering Through the Physical Transportation of Cash
- International support for Swedish cash uprising
- Doing cash differently: how cash transfers can transform humanitarian aid. Report of the High Level Panel on Humanitarian Cash Transfers
- Cash Holdings in Germany and the Demand for „German“ Banknotes: What role for cashless payments
- Cash Usage by American Consumers
- Cash continues to play a key role in consumer spending: evidence from the diary of consumer payment
- Banknotes and coins in figures
- Bank of England notes: the switch to polymer
- ”Bankerna måste ansvara för kundernas kontantbehov”
- Bank of Ireland caves in to public pressure waters down cash limit rules
- Can Digital Cash Transfers Enable Financial Inclusion in India?
- Chase ATMs to Limit Withdrawals for Noncustomers to $1,000 a Day
- Cashing in on convenience: creating a bright future for the ATM
- Commission adopts a recommendation on the scope and effects of legal tender of euro banknotes and coins
- 'Coins are here to stay', Royal Mint insists
- Euro banknote counterfeiting declines slightly in second half of 2015
- Extreme ATMs Dossier
- Four Ways Uber Makes Life Easier With Cash
- Fears of financial instability keep demand for banknotes strong
- Internationellt stöd för svenskt kontantuppror (International support for Swedish cash uprising)
- Introduce a legal requirement for the banks’ cash service
- La emisión de billetes de $ 100 es récord por la inflación
- Managing the circulation of banknotes
- Poor Privacy and Mistrust Keep Mobile from Beating Cash
- Penny For Your Thoughts? Americans Oppose Abolishing the Penny
- Reform of the Cash Supply System: Discussion Paper
- Reducción de uso de efectivo e inclusión financiera
- Remissyttrande om Tillgång till betalkonto med grundläggande funktioner Delrapport 2 från 2015 års betaltjänstutredning
- Reports of the Death of Cash Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
- The lifecycle and cost of a banknote
- The truth about the death of cash
- The Political War on Cash
- The war on cash continues
- Where’s the money?
- Who invented the cash machine? I did – and all I earned was £10
- Why we should fear a cashless world
- Mellody Hobson: To save money, skip the plastic
- The Future of Money and Banking
- Extreme ATMs Dossier
- Working together to deliver banknotes for the modern economy
- Is cash king? Examining the importance of cash for local economies and communities
- Consumer preferences and the use of cash: evidence from the Diary of a Consumer Payments Choice Working Paper
- Consumer cash usage: a cross-country comparison with payment diary survey data
- Recent Global Cash Demand
Statistics & Charts
- Global Cash Index
- The value of cash on the UK high street
- Recent Global Cash Demand: a Study of Year-on-Year Growth in Currency in Circulation
- Number of Euro Banknotes
- Indicators of public perception of banknotes (yearly average of quarterly data) 2008 – 2015
- UK Cash & Cash Machines (Summary)
White Papers / Research Papers
- Where Cash is King: The Second Participant in the Consumer to Business Payments Study
- Using cash to monitor liquidity: implications for payments, currency demand and withdrawal behaviour
- The Use of Cash in Canada
- The Life of Australian Banknotes
- Regulation (EU) No 1214/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 November 2011 on the professional cross-border transport of euro cash by road between euro-area Member States
- Payment behaviour in Germany in 2014: third study of the utilisation of cash and cashless payment instruments
- New Banknotes Security Features
- Making it Harder for the Bad Guys: The Case for Eliminating High Denomination Notes
- Korten pa bordet
- Eight Steps to Successful Cash Recycling
- Recycling cash at the ATM: Achieve cost optimization, revenue growth and improved consumer experience
- Three Benefits of Investing in Cash Recycling