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ATM Industry Videos

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ATM Transaction Dispute Resolution | Multi-vendor ATM Monitoring | Perfo® | Journal Management |2023

ATM Transaction Dispute Resolution | Multi-vendor ATM Monitoring | Perfo® | Journal Management |2023


Vortex Engineering Private Limited - Perfo®'s Journal Management Module is designed to efficiently address Disputed ATM Transactions. This feature not only enhances Customer Service but also ensures strict adherence to Regulatory Compliance requirements within the specified Turnaround Time (TAT). The Journal Management component integrated with EJ Pulling, streamlines the entire process for optimal efficiency. Book Your Free Demo Today! Email: marketing@vortexindia.co.in | info@vortexindia.co.in Phone: +91 44 66 33 9700 Website: https://vortexindia.co.in/products/atm-monitoring Download Perfo® Mobile App Now Google Play: https://bit.ly/Perfo_Android App Store: https://bit.ly/Perfo_iOS

Mr. Sathyan Gopalan's Interview with @IITMadrasResearchPark - May, 2023 - Vortex Engineering Pvt Ltd

Mr. Sathyan Gopalan's Interview with @IITMadrasResearchPark - May, 2023 - Vortex Engineering Pvt Ltd


Vortex Engineering Private Limited - Vortex Engineering is an innovative and leading provider of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and multi-vendor ATM management software products. With a strong foundation built on years of focused research & development, Vortex has revolutionized the ATM industry with its unparalleled cost-effective range of green ATMs to achieve the highest return on investment (ROI). Our world-class ATM Monitoring and Management software enables digital transformation of the ATM channel management at the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) across the industry. Vortex is fostering financial inclusion globally by changing the face of self-service banking with its reliable and sustainable range of products and solutions. Visit Us: https://vortexindia.co.in/

The REN Ecosystem from Euronet Worldwide

The REN Ecosystem from Euronet Worldwide


Euronet Worldwide - Our REN Ecosystem allows you to build competitive solutions! Drive modernization and digital transformation strategies with the innovative technologies provided by the REN Ecosystem from Euronet Worldwide. Modernize without replacing existing systems. Leverage our payments platforms, services, and switching functionality that interprets any transactional data type. The REN Foundation also processes transactions for Euronet’s data centers. For Cloud-Based Computing Environments with a single API integration, you can gain access to REN technologies as services with the REV Payments Cloud. Please view the REN Video for more information. Contact us today for a live presentation on REN at 501-218-7225 or sdaniel@euronetworldwide.com

The views expressed in these videos are not necessarily those of ATMIA.

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