
Membership Benefits

Membership Application

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Membership Types & Descriptions

Would you like to make a contribution to an ATMIA Industry Fund?

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Company Information
Please type in your company name EXACTLY as you want others to view it.
The way you enter your company name is how it will appear to ALL ATMIA members in our member directory.
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(IAD & Financial Institutions)
Member Information
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ATMIA respects your privacy and will never share your information without your consent. Use the options below to allow us to share your information with other attendees.

ATMIA recommends this option as it provides the best exposure for you and your company.
Membership Code of Conduct

Payment of annual ATMIA Membership dues affirms that we/I do hereby pledge to maintain sound and fair business practices, to meet local regulatory requirements, and to encourage the pursuit of best practices which we have assessed to be applicable to our particular business area, while operating as a member of the ATM Industry Association. Every member company pledges to abide by the fair business standards and procedures as a condition of admission and continuing membership in ATMIA.

ATMIA member benefits are nontransferable and cannot be shared. ATMIA member benefits are for ATMIA member companies and their employees only, and may not be made available to others, including other organizations that ATMIA member companies or their employees are affiliated with.

Subsidiary and Affiliate companies of an active ATMIA member company will be required to hold their own membership, in their company's name, to access ATMIA member benefits, since they are registered as separate legal entities. A subsidiary and affiliate company is defined as: a company that is controlled and at least partially owned by another company (this includes both holding & parent companies).

Consequently, as a further condition of membership, member companies will not share, and will take all necessary steps to ensure that their employees will not share, any ATMIA benefits, including but not limited to Best Practice Manuals, the ATMIA member database, training materials, industry reports, discussion papers, webinar links or their logins with a non-member company/person, as well as materials licensed to ATMIA, such as regulatory compliance information provided by Stateside Associates. Failure to adhere to this prohibition may result in member discipline, up to and including termination. ATMIA members agree to refer any requests for information by non-members to Amber Howell at [email protected]

Former ATMIA members may not rejoin ATMIA using a discount / promo code within 13 months of expiration as part of our best business practice and ATMIA’s member loyalty program.

In so doing, we/I believe these business practices will not in any way bring the reputation of the ATM industry into disrepute, nor intentionally damage the general public and business confidence in the ATM as a self-service delivery channel. Rather, we/I believe that our business practices contribute to the growth, health and general good-will prevailing in the ATM industry.

Billing Information
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Payment Information
Please mail check to:
Brita Price
P.O. Box 88433
Sioux Falls, SD 57109-8433
Accepted Credit Cards - Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx, Diners, JCB

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