Small Business ($675.00)
If your company has been affiliated with, or active in, the ATM industry for at least 1 year, and employ fewer than 10 full-time staff, you can receive the core membership benefits at a discounted rate.
Associate ($975.00)
This membership is for companies that want to receive the core membership benefits, but do not fit the Small Business criteria.
Is your company interested in the benefits of a Global Associate Membership at a reasonable rate? - Please contact Amber Howell, Director of Membership Experience & Marketing ([email protected]).
Financial Institution ($2,200.00)
This membership is for all financial institutions (banks and credit unions). It is geared towards multiple operational deparments/divsions within your company and aimed to provide a greater return on investment.
Provided in membership:
- Membership for unlimited staff from the organization to ATMIA and ATM Security Association
- ATMIA's core benefits
- ATM Security Association – core benefits that include, best practices and global ATM crime database
- Two free ATMIA Academy certified online ATM operator training courses annually
- NextGen Committee Participation – Future-proofing the ATMs through a globally interoperable API App model
- Industry Connections – through committee participation, member database and conference discounts
- Education Resources: ATM Industry Reports, Best Practices, White Papers and more
3 Year Associate ($2,500.00)
This is ATMIA's new membership package, which is a 3 year membership which combines a built-in discount with the convenience of waiving the need to send in annual renewal payments. It was designed with ATMIA's track record of more than 17 years of exceptionally high member retention rates in mind. This membership includes the core membership benefits, with an added bonus of a web link on the ATMIA web site region of your choice.
Board ($3,000.00)
This membership is for companies wanting the core membership benefits, while taking an active role in ATMIA. Board members help shape the course of action for the ATMIA Regions by attending meetings held either at an ATMIA conference or via conference call.
This membership will also increase your company's profile through:
- An on-line storefront on the ATMIA web site region of your choice
- Extensive publicity via all media, including web site, newsletters and promotional literature
- Increased political influence and the opportunity to be elected to the International Board of ATMIA
- Networking with board members and other regional boards
- Sharing your White Papers
- Posting your Events on the ATMIA Calendar of Events
Global Associate ($3,300.00)
This membership is for companies that want to receive the core membership benefits for all regions.
Global Board ($5,010.00)
This membership is for companies wanting the core membership benefits, plus a Board Level Involvement in 3 Regions and Associate Memberships in the remaining 6 Regions.
This membership will also increase your company's profile through:
- An on-line storefront on the ATMIA web site region of your choice
- Extensive publicity via all media, including web site, newsletters and promotional literature
- Increased political influence and the opportunity to be elected to the International Board of ATMIA
- Networking with board members and other regional boards
- Sharing your White Papers
- Posting your Events on the ATMIA Calendar of Events