Tuesday, February 20, 2024
View ShowroomThe last month saw several significant developments in the ATM industry. In Australia, the fight against a cashless society was once again brought to the forefront when Federal Independent MP Bob Katter was not allowed to make a cash payment at a café in Parliament House. This has triggered a broader debate in the media about the reliability of cashless payment systems and the importance of ensuring that cash is always accepted as a means of payment. To read more about this, click here.
In Asia, the Lunar New Year saw cash play a crucial part in the celebrations, with people giving cash as gifts in red envelopes to friends and family. In order to facilitate this increased demand, pop-up ATMS have been set up in major cities. Lunar New Year celebrations also bring increased security risks. The Australian Federal Police have warned that an increase in fake cash used as part of Lunar New Year celebrations is being passed off as legitimate currency. This fake money, "joss money, " is printed to resemble Australian currency for use in traditional Hell Bank Money ceremonies and Lunar New Year festivities. The AFP notes that using joss money can be for legitimate cultural activities, but it is illegal to try and use these notes as legal tender. To read the full release, click here.
I want to bring to your attention some upcoming events in this region for you to consider:
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to share the exceptional achievement of our USA event in Las Vegas this month. Our USA team has done a phenomenal job with over 1000 attendees and over 100 exhibitors and is a testament to the strength of our industry.
Wishing you all a great month, and as always, I’m here anytime to help. If you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to contact me via email.