Prosegur promotes energy optimization in its largest logistics base through photovoltaic panels and a new lighting system - October 19, 2022

Prosegur promotes energy optimization in its largest logistics base through photovoltaic panels and a new lighting system

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

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Company: Prosegur Cash

Prosegur has launched a comprehensive lighting project at its main operating base in Spain, located in Madrid . The two main elements of this initiative are the total replacement of the previous lighting with LED lamps and the installation of photovoltaic solar panels to cover part of its consumption with self-generated energy. In this way, a significant reduction in CO2 emissions is achieved and energy demand is reduced, in line with the company's commitment to responsible management and the environment.

With this project, the building (the flagship of the group's operating properties) rises two levels in its energy category and has gone from category D to B. Specifically, the lighting project allows the security company to reduce its consumption by 58% compared to the previous installation, avoiding the emission of more than 129 tons of CO2 per year . In addition, the installation of photovoltaic panels reduces estimated consumption by 14% , and avoids the emission of more than 62 tons of CO2 each year.

“Any transformation process is always exciting, but those of energy efficiency -for contributing to awareness and sustainable development- with much more reason. These projects provide the added value of uniting a company as diverse as ours because they manage to link all the businesses and multiple areas”, says Esteban Pozo, global director of Energy Efficiency at Prosegur.

This project is in line with other initiatives developed by Prosegur, among which the installation of photovoltaic panels in 15 buildings in Brazil stands out, a pioneering plan that has a renewable energy certificate. Now the Vicálvaro project joins, which will serve as an experience to replicate LED lighting and different energy efficiency measures in another ten corporate buildings of the company in Spain and Portugal.

In the next phase, Prosegur will implement technological energy management systems in its main locations that -through remote measurement, sensors and data analysis- will allow consumption patterns to be controlled and reduced by up to 10%.

References in sustainability

Prosegur and Prosegur Cash want to be a benchmark in terms of sustainability in the private security sector. In fact, both companies have been the first security companies that have joined The Climate Pledge initiative. With this, they have committed to complete their full decarbonization ten years before the deadline set in the Paris Agreement, that is, in 2040.

The group expresses its ambition in three dimensions and around these three criteria: social (focused on people), environmental (to enhance its positive impact) and corporate governance (focused on adopting critical decisions with full responsibility) . The use of renewable sources and the continuous improvement of energy efficiency is included in the environmental dimension, which in turn is covered under the umbrella of the 2021-2023 Sustainability Master Plan. A plan that includes a total of 63 specific initiatives with a series of indicators that allow their impact and evolution to be measured.

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