Below are answers to the most common questions about the next gen ATM project. Please submit any additional questions to the chairman, Lonnie Talbert, CEO of ATMIA.
What is the essence of this vision for the future of ATMs?
The essence is the global blueprint for an API App model for ATMs which will enable mobile phones to replace cards as the main medium for transacting at ATMs, through apps.
What are other primary aims of the next gen ATM project?
Another major aim of the next gen ATM architecture is to create an interoperable vendor-agnostic operational environment to give ATM owners more flexibility and choice when migrating to new operating systems, while, at the same time, reducing the risk of costly hardware upgrades associated with OS migrations in the past.
We anticipate that the standards for global interoperability and the accompanying technical specifications will be agreed upon during 2019, paving the way for next gen ready ATMs from 2020 onwards.
How will next gen readiness be certified by the industry?
We are aiming to develop an online self-certification system hosted on the ATMIA website which will enable companies wishing to produce and distribute next gen ready products and services to be certified.
Will next gen standards leverage existing standards?
Yes, whenever possible we will leverage, and build upon, existing standards, such as XFS. Our standards roadmap included a complete inventory of relevant existing industry standards for that very purpose.
The functional user working group, the technical working group and the certification working group are busy developing the specs, standards and certification system for next gen technologies. Once their work has been completed, their recommendations will need to be signed off by the Standards & Technical subcommittee before being implemented. Throughout this process, we need to stay true to the signed off global blueprint for an API App model for ATMs.
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