ATMIA Announces Retirement of Sharon Lane, Global Director of Finance and Member Services - May 19, 2021


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ATMIA Announces Retirement of Sharon Lane, Global Director of Finance and Member Services

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

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Company: ATM Industry Association

SIOUX FALLS, SD and CAPE TOWN, South Africa – The ATM Industry Association (ATMIA) this week announces the approaching retirement of their much-loved Global Director of Finance and Member Services, Sharon Lane.

“Sharon’s 18-year career with ATMIA has been extraordinary and her legacy will be highly effective systems of both financial and membership management, as well as the culture of caring for each and every member,” said Mike Lee, CEO of ATMIA. “I’m sad to lose her but happy for her personal milestone, which she has reached through an incredible work ethic and sheer consistency. I can only salute her and wish her a joyous and peaceful retirement.”

“Sharon has been the consummate professional and has been with ATMIA since not long after it was founded,” said Tom Harper, Founding Director of ATMIA. “I will personally miss her grace, kindness and persistent joy. I know the industry will join me in wishing her well. We will all be sorry to see her go.”

Lane’s long-standing career with ATMIA began back in May of 2003 as an accountant. But her value was quickly recognized and a short year later she was promoted to her current position as Global Director. As the lead of finance and member services, she has put a great deal of care into promoting the values of ATMIA and caring for the needs of the industry.

“Sharon has been an absolute pleasure to know and work with these past 18 years,” said Sandra Hartfield Papie, ATMIA Chairwoman Emeritus. “As ATMIA Treasurer, now and in the past, it has always been amazing how well she does her job. Her knowledge of ATMIA and her ability to respond so positively to changes in board leadership every few years, always adjusting to the desires of the new president and treasurer are phenomenal. She will be sorely missed and leave a big hole for someone to fill.”

“Sharon has left an indelible mark on ATMIA,” said Peter Kulik, ATMIA Chairman. “Her steady financial management and compassionate leadership have influenced every aspect of the life and growth of ATMIA. With Sharon’s incredible work ethic and dedication to putting members first, she has risen to meet every challenge in her 18 years of service. On behalf of the Board of Directors, we are immensely grateful for Sharon’s years of service and wish her all the best that life has to offer in her retirement.”
Sharon with her husband, Gary, looking forward to retirement

“I wish Sharon all the best for her well-earned retirement,” said Chris Chandler, ATMIA Deputy President. “She has been a consistent and strong voice reporting to the Board over the years, for which I am most appreciative. She will be missed.”

“This announcement for us is bitter-sweet,” said Jeff Matthews, ATMIA President. “Sharon has been instrumental in making ATMIA what it is today. And, while we are happy to see her step away for a well-earned retirement, our webinars, meetings, and events will not be quite the same without her steady voice, calm demeanor, and easy laugh. We wish her all the best.”

Lane departs her role as Membership director at the end of May but will stay on as Finance Director until September 2021, when her well-deserved retirement will officially begin.

Sharon with her husband, Gary,
looking forward to retirement

ABOUT ATMIA - ATMIA is the leading non-profit trade association representing the entire global ATM industry. ATMIA serves 500 companies globally, spanning the entire ATM ecosphere, including financial institutions, independent ATM deployers, equipment manufacturers, processors, and a plethora of ATM service and value-added solution providers. ATMIA provides education, advocacy and connections to help its members keep abreast of industry news and developments; increase knowledge and professionalism; improve operational efficiencies; understand and influence regulatory processes; participate in the local, regional and global ATM community; and forge new relationships to advance their businesses. Founded in 1997, ATMIA has active chapters in the United States, Canada, Europe, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Asia, Africa, India and the Middle East focusing on the unique needs and issues of each region. For more information, please visit Follow us on LinkedIn, X, Facebook or YouTube.

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