The Casa Grande City Council will meet on May 22 to receive a presentation on and discuss short-term rental regulations. The briefing will highlight opportunities created by establishing an STR ordinance including additional tax revenue and the ability to regulate nuisance properties.
Contact: Stephanie Rojo
The Los Angeles Public Works Committee will meet on May 22 to consider a motion relative to efforts to monitor and combat forced labor practices conducted by entities operating in the city and region, and the protocols used to ensure entities providing goods and services to the city do not engage in forced labor practices.
Contact: Stephanie Rojo
The Honolulu City Council will meet on May 22 to consider the adoption of two bills related to incentives and pre-construction financing for the construction of affordable housing in the city and county.
Contact: Stephanie Rojo
The Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing on May 20 regarding HB 201. This measure prohibits a procurement contract from causing the total number of all-electric vehicles in the vehicle fleet to exceed 3% of the total vehicle fleet. Neighborhood electric vehicles shall not be counted toward the cap or the vehicle fleet total.
Contact: Maxwell Klein
The House Insurance Committee will hold a hearing on May 21 regarding SB 281. The measure requires the Insurance Commissioner to promulgate rules that establish standard policies and procedures governing pharmacy audits, including standards for claims review and quality assurance reviews and fraud or willful misrepresentation audits.
Contact: Matthew Lidz
The Assembly Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on May 20 regarding the following. For more information on these measures, contact Alex Aceto.
- AB 2364: This measure establishes the Deepfake Technology Unit in the Division of Criminal Justice in the Department of Law and Public Safety.
- AB 2818: This measure prohibits and imposes criminal penalties on the distribution of certain intentionally deceptive audio or visual media within 90 days of an election.
- AB 3540: The measure establishes a crime of the third degree if a person, without license or privilege to do so, generates or creates, or causes to be generated or created, deceptive audio or visual media for an unlawful purpose. The measure provides that the trier of fact may infer that the deceptive audio or visual media was generated or created for an unlawful purpose if the work is subsequently used as part of a plan or course of conduct to commit one or more of the following: (1) harassment; (2) cyber harassment; (3) theft by deception; (4) theft by extortion; (5) false incrimination or reports; or (6) invasion of privacy.
The Assembly Transportation Committee will hold a hearing on May 21 regarding A 8169. This measure provides that the commissioner shall require a registration fee of two hundred dollars for each non-commercial electric vehicle registered in the state. In addition to other fees provided for in this section, the commissioner shall require a registration fee of four hundred dollars for each commercial electric vehicle registered in the state.
Contact: Maxwell Klein
The Senate Insurance Committee will hold a hearing on May 20 regarding SB 2393. This measure requires individual and small group insurance carriers and group and blanket accident and health carriers to certify that at least a majority of prescription drug rebates are provided to patients at the point of sale.
Contact: Matthew Lidz
The Senate Internet & Technology Committee will hold a hearing on May 21 regarding SB 365. This measure enacts the NY Privacy Act and requires companies to disclose their methods of de-identifying personal information, to place special safeguards around data sharing, and to allow consumers to obtain the names of all entities with whom their information is shared.
Contact: Alex Aceto
The Assembly Education Committee will hold a hearing on May 22 regarding AB 8447. This measure provides that no later than July 1, 2045, or until all state agencies have transitioned 100% of their medium- and heavy-duty vehicle fleets to zero-emission vehicles, whichever is later, unless a zero-emission school bus is not feasible, every school district shall:
(a) only purchase or lease zero-emission school buses when purchasing or leasing new buses;
(b) include requirements in any procurement for school transportation services that any contractors providing transportation services for the school district must only purchase or lease zero-emission school buses when purchasing or leasing new school buses; and
(c) include requirements in any procurement for the manufacturing or retrofitting of a zero-emission school bus and charging or fueling infrastructure that the components and parts used or supplied in the performance of the contract or any subcontract thereto shall be produced or made in whole or substantial part in the United States, its territories or possessions and that final assembly of the school bus and charging or fueling infrastructure shall occur in the United States, its territories or possessions.
Contact: Maxwell Klein
The Select Committee on Blockchain, Financial Technology and Digital Innovation Technology is scheduled to meet on May 20 and May 21 to discuss topics relating to Artificial Intelligence (AI) Governance, Blockchain, digital assets, and data privacy.
Contact: Alex Aceto